Sunday, June 30, 2013

Moon Clouds

Summer moon,
Your face blurred behind clouds
That move with a soft white glow,
Your quiet splendor lost
On the faces below.  

Embroiled in the heat of revelry,
The abandon of night,
The exhaustion of forgetting
What could have been,
What might -  

Souls turn to one another
With eyes that barely speak,
Worn by intoxication
Of sound, and light, and drink.  

The mind can barely think.
The nose has lost its sense.
But the mouth moves
In the hopeful present tense: 

You are beautiful, the most beautiful.  

Let us love tonight 

And escape the sight  

Of our memories.  

Summer moon,
Time is late to feel regret.
Don’t look upon my yearning.
Better yet that you should set
And make my shadow die.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Embarking now upon your lives,
As if setting sail on ships
To cross the known and unknown seas,
Recall that with each passing day
You move beneath the endless skies. 

Up above the world so high,
Beyond your earthbound, narrow sight,
Fly colossal, fiery stars
That burst with unimagined might. 

In the infinite sea of space,
Light years and ages away,
Conflagration scars the face,
Of worlds so monstrous in size
That ours is like a grain of sand. 

These worlds the stars do thrash and break
Like hapless, brittle, fragile eggs.
Then they, too, tremble, roar, and shake -
Their final cries the eons take. 

What care the stars for your accomplishments?
What care the stars for your sad failing?
They are blind to your emoluments
As they are deaf to your sick wailing. 

Thus, if you cannot even once
Impress the closest living star,
Seek no man living near or far
To flatter with your learning. 

For if you took one instant to inspect
The make and rudder of your ships
You'll find those ships, like all the world,
Are hapless, fragile, brittle eggs. 

Therefore, have a care for how you tread.
Live your days in awe of nature,
Though free of dread.
Brilliant, young, you are still creatures -
Alive like stars and one day dead.