December is the cruelest month
When the old folks, impatient
For their children's plane to land,
Wrap themselves in cloaks of memories
And sink into the dead land;
When I examine my intentions
By the weakened winter light -
What was a January hope
In the embers fades from sight.
What I could have done
But I never did,
As the year has come to end,
I carry to the new year still
Like a sack with my back bent.
But it is true, that we two
Did walk that summer night.
Hand in hand, we took our stand
Against time's relentless might.
For you and I gazed at the sky,
At the twinkling light of dead stars,
We our hallowed moment vowed to keep
Bright like our beating young hearts.
Though you have gone
At year's cold end,
The memories I take with me.
Into the future new hopes I send
That you may yet await me.